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类型:欧美 美剧  地区:英国  年份:2018 
 当你决定要做一件事情的时候,总会有人出于各种好意给你说不要萤石私人影院灵笼15集在线观看免费。假如你成功,又会羡慕嫉妒你;假如你失败了,就会给你说,看吧,我早就给你说过不要做了。当然,如果你听了建议什么都没有做,最后就会慢慢变成这些人。所以,相信自己吧,独一无二的你是最棒  Informer is a sophisticated, character-driven thriller about Raza, a young, second generation Pakistani man from East London (Nabhaan Rizwan) who is coerced by Gabe, a Counter-Terrorism officer (Paddy Considine) to go undercover and inform for him. Gabe, who has a past he is unwilling to expose, is joined by Holly, his new and ambitious partner (Bel Powley) whose endless curios...